Are Diffusion Models Vision-And-Language Reasoners?
, Elinor Poole-Dayan, Vikram Voleti, Christopher Pal, Siva Reddy
NeurIPS'23 | Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems
Image Retrieval from Contextual Descriptions
, Vaibhav Adlakha, Vibhav Vineet, Yash Goyal, Edoardo Ponti, Siva Reddy
ACL'22 | Association for Computational Linguistics
Improving Automatic VQA Evaluation Using Large Language Models
Oscar Manas, , Aishwarya Agrawal
submitted to AAAI'23 | AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Pragmatic Inference with a CLIP Listener for Contrastive Captioning
Jiefu Ou, , Daniel Fried
ACL Findings'23 | Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Are Pretrained Language Models Symbolic Reasoners Over Knowledge?
Nora Kassner*, *, Hinrich Schütze
CoNLL'20 | Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning
(* = Equal Contribution)
ContraCAT: Contrastive Coreference Analytical Templates for Machine Translation
Dario Stojanovski*, *, Denis Peskov*, Alexander Fraser
COLING'20 | Conference on Computational Linguistics
(* = Equal Contribution)
Things I like
Jan 2nd, 2024
Elevator Pitch & ELI5 of my first PhD project: Image Retrieval from Contextual Descriptions
May 30th, 2022
Explaining my research to someone outside the field.
What made me do a PhD far away?
April 28th, 2021
Sometimes people ask me why I left Europe when there is good opportunities there, too.
[DRAFT]: Defining the most basic concepts in Language Grounding
Jan 22nd, 2021
We rarely think about what the most basic words mean.
Attending my first conference! ACL 2020 from an undergrad's perspective
Jul 2nd, 2020
Networking, learning about language grounding and mentally prepping for the PhD.
Why the current Corona situation makes memories blurry
May 8th, 2020
Applying knowledge from reading about neuroscience
Moral Pluralism through the lense of optimization
Apr 29th, 2020
Some reflections after a philosophy society meeting